JK Brackens

Founded 1992

Co. Tipperary

Membership Rates 2024.

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JK Brackens membership rates for 2024 were set at their recent committee meeting. There has been an increase in rates for the coming year to meet the rising costs of running the club. We have also restructured the options to suit everybody's needs and abolished the old family rates. Should anybody have any queries in relation to the new options please feel free to contact any member of the committee. Subscriptions are now due for 2024. It is very important to note there is a change in the insurance scheme from 2024 onwards. In previous years your membership fee covered you until March 31st the following year. This is no longer the case and you are now only insured for the year you pay in. Which means every player from 5 to 50 must now be covered before they take to the field again, whether it be for training or a match. It is the responsibility of every player to look after their own membership on their own Foireann account. So can everyone please update their accounts as soon as possible.

Rates are as follows:

Adult Player: €150.

Adult Player with playing children: €100.

Adult Non-Player: €50.

Second non-playing adult in a family: €25.

Student: €100.

Juvenile (Aged 12-17): €80.

Juvenile ( U-9 and U-11): €50.

Juvenile (U-5 and U-7): €30

Second Juvenile in the 12-17 category: €70.

Third Juvenile in the 12-17 category: €60.

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